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MC 1000

تکنولوژی : Skin Analyzer

Company CK

Country Germany

MC 1000 create your own measurement tool by adding probes of your choice and promote your cosmetic products and treatments with sophisticated software. Increase the sales of products and treatments with a unique service distinguishing you from the competitors.

MC 1000 is made by CK company of Germany and determines various skin parameters such as humidity, fat, melanin and pigmentation.

This device has a visio scope camera. This allows for a wide range of features to be imaged including spots, pores, wrinkles, pigmentation spots, facial erythrosis, hair and crows feet.

مقايسه قبل و بعد انواع درمان هاي پوستي به صورت کمي و کيفي
تعيين و ذخيره اطلاعات و پارامترهاي اندازه گيري شده قبل و بعد از درمان بيماران ارائه گزارشات کاملا تخصصي به پزشک قابليت چاپ و ذخيره سازي اطلاعات در کامپيوتر افزايش دقت در تشخيص و درمان بررسي تخصصي و مرحله به مرحله روند درمان مجهز به دوربين Scope Visio


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